Ok!that's fine!sitting on the seat,STARING to the pc and reading every thing coming in front of your eyes!starting from the result of Netherlands football second division to amount of monkeys with long tale in whole of the world!
Some times STARING to your mobile phone for ringing,wishing to ring,even a beep for a message!nothing! Again you...
rest your arm,STARING to your map,sticked to the wall,demonstrating the old empire,the place your fathers was ruling.STARING at borders of this place,it's half of the world.Feeling shame that as a son of those fathers,you just stare!
Not a good reason to blink ,just stare!stare to the sun,make you cry but at least,feeling different!Pain!you like pain,make you believe that still alive!
STARING at your self in the mirror,touching the new wrinkles on your front,feeling every hair that you lose and eventually,sleeping to see some new world in your dream!
And writing,for who?some person that grammar call it ((YOU))!
Now you stare!
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یه چیزی... تمام اینایی که گفتی انتخاب خودته،اگه ازش راضی نیستی عوضش کن.ولی مسئله تو اینه که نمی خوای، نه اینکه نتونی.
می دونم حرف زدن آسونه و عمل کردن سخت.من خودم آدم تنبلیم ولی تو دیگه ...
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