The Muslim fasting month has come to the half and it is a good subject to write about.In all major religions,fasting is one of the basic duties for the believer .A simple question is coming to every body's mind that why fasting?!why Not eating or drinking is important ?why not some thing else?like every body must walk for half a day during one month!Or maybe living alone for a week!Other suggestions like learning some thing new in a period of time or working in some special places and...!
Other strange thing is that all fasting rules are starting with NOT!Do not eat or drink from morning to evening for a month,Rmadan(Islam)!Do not eat meat on Ash Wednesday and Fridays of Lent period(Catholic)!Do not eat any meat and diary products during Lent's Fridays and ash Wednesday(Orthodox)!Do not eat and drink for 24 hours on Yom Kippur and Tisha Bav (Judaism)!Do not eat solid foods,just milk or water, for 24 hours on every new day of a month and 3 other days,Puja,Shivratri,Durga puja (Hinduism)!Do not eat solid foods on 14Th day of a month(Buddhism) and do not eat meat on second,12Th,14Th and 21Th day of every month(Zoroastrianism)!
More interesting stuff is,why eating and drinking are so important in a religion that Not doing them can be a big bonus in our relationship with God?!
In all pointed religion on top,on the side of not eating and drinking,It's advised to not doing any thing bad.Like lying,swearing,lust,priding,envying,greeding and others.If a fast person does these things,It's same of breaking the fast by eating something!
Let's go to Not !
Why Not?!
Imagine if one day ,some thing unwanted happen in our personal or social life. We have to prevent ourselves to doing regular things and do some change until the problem being solved.Fasting is a practice of doing that.Stop ourselves to doing regular and enjoyable and normal stuff,prepare us to protect ourselves against the unwanted winds.
It will be a nice world if one day every body start to fast on bad things!
I wish to see that soon,with all of you amigos!
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first:amigos yani chi??
دوما:در مورد مسئله بحث برانگیزی پست نوشتی.من با قسمت نخوردن و نیاشامیدنش مخالفم.به نظرم تاثیرات منفی ش بیشتر از مثبتشه.یک ماه همه عصبی و بی حوصله ن،هیچ کس نمی تونه با راندمان درست و همیشگی کار کنه،اکثر آدم ها وقتشونو به خواب می گذرونن تا فشار روشون کمتر بشه و...از اینها گذشته این همه ساعت بی آب نگه داشتن بدن برای سلامتی ضرر داره.
این تمرینی که می گی به نظرم بیشتر شبیه خودآزاری می مونه تا تمرین و حتی گاهی به نظرم آدم ها رو حریص تر می کنه.ولی از اون جنبه که آدم ها سعی کنن کمتر بدی کنن خوب واقعا خوبه هرچند من تاثیر این اجتناب رو تو جامعه خودمون که نمی بینم، شاید تو جوامع دیگه موثر باشه.
هرچند دوست نداشتم در این موردها باهات بحث کنم ولی خودت مجبورم کردی:)
راستی خوب شد لیبل فارسی گرفتی که به عنوان دکور ازش استفاده کنی;)
Thanks for ur comments.
as u said,fasting apparently has some negatives impact on daily working.
It's another advantage of fasting,it gives u the opportunity to manage this problem.if ur body needs water ,it's better to work in some part that u need less movement.or you can do some thing else that the body starts to manage Africa,people live easily with 1/10 water that we use normally in a day...
Yes!It makes people more greed to eat or drink!but they should not!it's the point.if u work hard in front of a monitor that u r sure it's damaging ur eyes,is it masochism?
It's not for sure,because you or on a plan!a process to achieve ur aims,same as what religion plans for believers.
If in our society we have some problem,it's not religion's the clash between culture and modernism and's global...
its a big bang for me to read your writing in english too.
alghough it gets much more time than reading in farsi, i will read it any time i could.
sorry for my weak english
i will get happy if you let me know my faults in english.
thanks ali jan.
dont forget drop by my blogs
zod bash up kon ali jan :D
hi. how r u? y dont u update ur blog?
we will wate till ever ,dont worry
my blogs was updated:
have a good time my friend
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